Informatics and Computer Technologies

Informatics and Computer Technologies Master’s program graduates have experience in software design and hardware-software co-design. They’re also able to design computing, training, expert, robotic networks, data-driven intelligent systems and explore the possibility of implementing infocommunication technologies and their effectiveness. During the learning process, students master the skills of digital twin and production process modeling.

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Full-time education in English

Институт компьютерных наук

Код направления 09.04.01
Informatics and Computer Technologies

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Профили подготовки

Innovative software systems. Design, Development & Applications

The program offers a systematic training in the design, development and application of innovative software systems in various spheres of human activity. Such software can interact with various objects, structures, tools, etc. used in human economic activity, and in any area — from financial, social institutions and to the field of mechanical engineering, electronics and others.

Data Science

The program produces high-demand professionals and allows graduates to work in various companies around the globe. In the modern digital world in any branch of human activity it is necessary to process data, find hidden patterns and predict the future behavior of an object based on its past state.