Международная конференция «Взаимодействие сверхпроводимости и магнетизма в наносистемах»

2-4 Сентября при кафедре ТФКТ будет проходить конференция «Взаимодействие сверхпроводимости и магнетизма в наносистемах». Это будет небольшая конференция (30-70 человек) с фокусом на коллективных явлениях в квантовой материи.
Dear Colleagues!

The International conference “Interaction of Superconductivity and Magnetism in Nanosystems” is going to be held at Moscow National University for Science and Technology “MIS&S” (Moscow Institute for Steel and Alloys) during September 2-4th this year 2015 (1st September arrival, 6th September departure). The aim of this small international conference (ca. 30-70 participants) is to provide a good and comfortable chance to meet and exchange with ideas and impressions over current progress in the experimental and theoretical study of systems with interaction between magnetism and superconductivity and of the quantum matter in general. The main emphasis is on collective phenomena in quantum matter rather than on material specific properties. In particular, high-Tс superconductors, collective phenomena in hybrid superconductor-ferromagnetic structures, as well as Josephson effects in superconducting qubits coupled to wave-guides will be discussed.

This conference is joint effort of several both experimental and theoretical groups led by visiting scientists Konstantin Efetov, Alexey Ustionov and Valery Ryazanov at the Department for Theoretical Physics and Quantum Technologies (chair Sergei Mukhin) and Laboratory for Superconducting Metamaterials (director Alexey Ustinov) at MISIS. The conference site is located in the heart of Moscow on the border of the Gorky Park and Moscow River and is 20 minutes walking distance from Kremlin. We hope that cultural program will emerge in parallel with the conference main stream.

Abstracts submission deadline is 15th june 2015.

Looking forward to seeing you at MIS&S.

— Konstantin Efetov, Valeriy Ryazanov, Sergei Mukhin